My Deep Pocket

This is a playthrough of an interactive piece I developed for a group show at the Museum of Human Achievement (Austin, TX) last November. The effect is supposed to be that of fishing around blindly in a pants pocket or purse. A first-person ‘hand view’ navigation allows you to explore the many contiguous chambers of this cavernous space. You collide repeatedly with massive objects strewn about and every collision generates a fragment of text or message in the HUD. This automatic poetry parallels the simultaneous free-ranging train of thought we experience when engaged in mundane activity. This imagined world within my pocket is like a sort of tactile synesthesia.
I used a lot of free models in the FBX format to populate my world, modeling the cave, myself, in Cinema 4D. Unreal game engine was used to create the application. Ryan Padgett created the music (

This was originally part of a group installation show called ‘Just A Little Me Time’ on display at the Museum of Human Achievement during the East Austin Studio Tour in November of 2015.


The Obelisk


Co-Lab Bit Residency